Lån till banker. Vansinne
20 000 miljarder är vad Europa skall pumpa in i bankerna, men vart tog alla dessa pengar vägen från början? Jag menar de fattas ju, så någonstans måste de ju ha tagit vägen, eller hur?
Är det så att vi under åren lånat dessa pengar och konsumerat dem? I så fall har vi ju levt högt över våra tillgångar och vad innebär det då att vi stöttar bankerna? Så att vi kan fortsätta överkonsumera och leva högt över våra tillgångar? Vi tycks tro att alla dessa pengar betalts ut i olika bonusar till höga chefer, men så är ju inte fallet, inte har de fått 20 000 miljarder bara i Europa.
Dagen kris beror bland annat på att vi lånat till konsumtion och skall vi skära ner vår konsumtion i den här skalan så har vi en lågkonjunktur utan motstycke framför oss, men det är väl de regeringarna runt om i världen nu försöker undvika genom att blåsa konstgjord andning i lånekarusellen så att produktion och konsumtion kan hållas upprätthållas.
Det är vansinne att vi skattebetalare lånar ut dessa pengar. Vi kan inte fortsätta konsumera på lånade pengar. Det är konstgjord andning och vi låter bara bubblan växa sig större och den kommer att spricka, men innan den spricker kommer den att växa avsevärt i storlek och smällen kommer att bli oerhörd och inte lämna någon oskadd.
Göran Grauers
Stora Forsa
"The problem you have with the class-action lawsuits is a lot of people jump in that may be on the fringe, that maybe don't deserve it, that sounded good because their neighbor got a check ... (It) is very expensive, very time consuming," Schafer said. "It probably in the long run is going to be cheaper just to settle the whole thing -- so some people will get paid that probably don't deserve it. And to me, I don't like that kind of thing. I like to settle it on merit."
Vilsack appeared to reference the Pigford case, or the backstory behind it, in his statement Tuesday defending his decision to effectively dismiss Sherrod.
"The problem you have with the class-action lawsuits is a lot of people jump in that may be on the fringe, that maybe don't deserve it, that sounded good because their neighbor got a check ... (It) is very expensive, very time consuming," Schafer said. "It probably in the long run is going to be cheaper just to settle the whole thing -- so some people will get paid that probably don't deserve it. And to me, I don't like that kind of thing. I like to settle it on merit."
Vilsack appeared to reference the Pigford case, or the backstory behind it, in his statement Tuesday defending his decision to effectively dismiss Sherrod.
Cameron is giving just two interviews with the US media: one with National Public Radio, the nearest equivalent in the US to the BBC, which went out this morning, and another with ABC television – due to go out this evening.
But any White House press conference with Obama receives extensive coverage – especially those which touch upon topics such as BP, Afghanistan and the domestic spending crisis – because it is a relatively rare opportunity for American journalists to put questions to a president who is increasingly media-shy.
Cameron is giving just two interviews with the US media: one with National Public Radio, the nearest equivalent in the US to the BBC, which went out this morning, and another with ABC television – due to go out this evening.
But any White House press conference with Obama receives extensive coverage – especially those which touch upon topics such as BP, Afghanistan and the domestic spending crisis – because it is a relatively rare opportunity for American journalists to put questions to a president who is increasingly media-shy.